Great things are happening! Various lodge improvement projects are underway and we are taking every step possible to minimize the impact on our guests. This current phase of construction will cause some guestroom to be out of order for renovations and a guest wing elevator to be inaccessible.

Old Picture of the Kennedy Stone House

Kennedy Stone House

The Kennedy Stone House Museum via the #StreetView app!

Kennedy Stone House Museum

Salt Fork State Park, Off of Road 4

In 1837, the Irish and Scottish ancestors of Benjamin Kennedy purchased an 80-acre tract of land in Guernsey County and commissioned the construction of a large two-story house from native sandstone quarried nearby. Don Kennedy, great-grandson of the builder, occupied it until 1966. The State of Ohio purchased the Kennedy property and surrounding lands to create Salt Fork State Park. Today, the house is nestled in the woods, overlooking the lake. The Kennedy Stone House was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975.

Read more about the Kennedy Stone House & Museum here!

A Great Hiking Trail

Parking is off of Road 1

Stone House Loop Trail is a 1.7 mile moderately trafficked loop trail located in Salt Fork State Park, that features a lake and is rated as moderate. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from March until November. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash.

Salt Fork Park Map

Salt Fork Park Trail Map